
The Best Angelfish Food in 2024 – Keep Your Fish Happy and Healthy.

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When selecting angelfish food, it’s important to consider ingredients, nutritional value, and the fish’s age. Fry and juveniles have different requirements than mature adults. You’ll also need to choose between flakes, pellets, frozen and freeze-dried foods. In this article, we’ll explore the best foods for angelfish available in 2024 to help you keep your fish thriving. 


Angelfish is one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. Providing them with the right diet is crucial for their health and well-being.

As predatory fish, angelfish thrive on a carnivorous diet in the wild. They need high-quality protein sources to grow properly and maintain their brilliant colors. However, captive-bred angelfish have slightly different dietary needs than their wild counterparts. 

With a little research, you can find the perfect angelfish foods to keep your pet energetic and healthy. Read on as we dive into the top angelfish foods on the market this year.

Understanding the Need Of Nutrition In Angelfish Food.

Angelfish are omnivores that enjoy both plant and animal material. Their diet should resemble what they’d eat in their natural South American habitat. Here are some key nutrients angelfish needs in food:

  • Protein – Angelfish need 36-40% protein minimum to thrive. Protein sources like whole fish, shrimp, spirulina, and marine algae help them build strong muscles and maintain vivid colors.
  • Fats – Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish oils, help absorb fat-soluble vitamins. They also support healthy organ function.
  • Vitamins & Minerals – Vitamins C, D, E and minerals like phosphorus and iodine are vital for angelfish. Quality angelfish foods are fortified with essential micronutrients.
  • Fiber – Some fresh veggies, fruits, and algae provide fiber to promote good digestion.
  • Feeding a balanced, varied diet ensures angelfish gets complete nutrition. Now let’s look at factors to consider when shopping for food.

Top Considerations When Selecting Food for Angelfish.

With hundreds of angelfish food products on the market, it can be tricky to find the best options. Here are key things to look for when comparing foods:

High-Quality Ingredients

Quality angelfish food should contain:

  • Whole fish or seafood as the first ingredient
  • Plant-based proteins like spirulina and kelp
  • Vitamin and omega fat fortification
  • Limited fillers like wheat, corn, or soy

Avoid foods with lots of by-products, artificial colors, and cheap protein substitutes.

Suitability for Fry & Adults

Angelfish fry needs more protein – around 55%. They also benefit from fine granules they can easily consume. 

Adult angelfish foods have slightly less protein and come in pellet or flake form. Pick a size they can swallow comfortably.

Best Food For Angelfish.

Giving your angelfish a nutritious and balanced diet is key to keeping them healthy and vibrant. With their omnivorous appetite, angelfish enjoy a variety of foods from both plant and animal sources. When crafting the perfect diet for your fish, it’s important to provide a diverse mix of ingredients that offer complete nutrition. In this guide, we’ll explore the top foods to feed your angelfish and how to balance their meals.

Flakes Offer Affordable Nutrition.

Flake foods provide a readily available and budget-friendly way to feed your fish. Look for high-quality angelfish flakes made with fish meal, protein sources, and limited fillers. Quality flakes can serve as a nutritional base of their diet when combined with other foods. Avoid flake mixes with cheap fillers like wheat as the main ingredients – these lack proper nutrition for angelfish. When shopping, prioritize flakes designed specifically for angelfish.

Frozen Foods Add Variety.

For variety, rotate in some frozen offerings like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and mysis shrimp. Thawing the frozen foods slightly in tank water before feeding ensures they don’t shock your fish. While frozen foods lack some nutrients compared to live versions, they provide a safer, more convenient alternative. Use them to mix up your angelfish’s meals.

Rehydrate Freeze-Dried Foods.

Another way to conveniently feed angelfish is using freeze-dried options. The freeze-drying process makes these foods sterile and free of bacteria. However, they can cause digestive issues if fed directly. Always rehydrate freeze-dried foods in tank water first to prevent constipation and bloating. Soaked freeze-dried bloodworms and brine shrimp make excellent supplemental feedings.

Live Foods Offer Superior Nutrition.

When available from reputable sources, live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms provide unbeatable nutrition. The natural movements of live foods also stimulate hunting behaviors. However, take care to avoid introducing bacteria or parasites into your tank through live feedings. Only use live foods from trusted aquarium stores, and culture your own if possible. Feed live foods in moderation, no more than 20% of their diet.

Live Food Options.

  • Brine shrimp – nutritious tiny crustaceans
  • Mosquito larvae – wigglers are 90% protein
  • Daphnia – “water fleas” filled with nutrients
  • Blackworms – small, soft worms easily eaten

Fresh Vegetables.

Don’t forget vegetables! Blanched greens like zucchini, peas, and cucumber provide vital plant matter. Shredded lettuce in small amounts also makes a nutritious treat. The fiber and nutrients from fresh vegetables complement the diet.

By mixing together several of these food types, you can give your angelfish a complete and balanced diet that keeps them active and healthy. Variety is key – rotate multiple foods daily for the best nutrition. Use this guide to select quality foods your fish will thrive on.

Read More: Complete Angelfish Feeding Guide.

A Quick Look At Commercially Available Best Angelfish Food.

1.Northfin Food Krill Gold 2mm Pellet.

Northfin Krill Gold pellets provide a nutrient-rich diet for aquarium fish. The formula features Antarctic krill as the first ingredient, delivering high-quality protein and oils. Enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, it promotes health and vitality. The uniquely shaped 2mm pellets are designed to optimize digestion while reducing waste. They slowly soften in water to allow both top and mid-level feeders ample eating time.

Fish eagerly accept these flavorful pellets that enhance coloration. The moderate sinking time also benefits cleaning bottom feeders. Priced competitively for the high nutrition content, Northfin Krill Gold 2mm pellets make an excellent dietary staple for freshwater and marine tanks.

2.Northfin Community Formula, 1 mm Sinking Pellets.

Northfin Community pellets provide balanced nutrition for freshwater community aquariums. These 1mm slow-sinking pellets are perfect for small to medium sized fish. The formula is packed with high-quality protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals to support health.

Northfin uses premium ingredients like whole fish, fresh kelp, and probiotic bacteria for easy digestion. The pellets soften quickly but hold form long enough for fish to eat. Made in small batches and naturally preserved, they contain no artificial colors or fillers. Fish eagerly accept the pellets that enhance coloration and vitality. The value size offers economical long-term feeding. Overall, Northfin Community 1mm pellets are a terrific staple food for a diverse community of small freshwater fish.

3.Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp.

This powdered angelfish food contains dehydrated brine shrimp ideal for feeding fry but unsuitable for adult fish. The high protein shrimp promotes rapid growth in juvenile angelfish. Within 1-2 weeks of feeding, significant size gains are observed as the fry mature. The powder floats accessible to small fish and a dropper dispenses proper portions. While the jar looks small, it can last through critical development phases. Freezing extends the short shelf life after opening. Overall, this is perfect for quickly nurturing fry but has limited use for grown angelfish.

4. Tetra PRO Tropical Color Crisps With Color Enhancers.

Tetra PRO contains uniquely shaped wafers that maintain their form when submerged, helping keep water clear. Biotin aids nutrient absorption for growth and health. The brightly colored wafers stimulate appetites and feeding. Properly sized for adult fish, the wafers also work for juveniles when crushed. Though some wafers sink rapidly, bottom feeders can access any uneaten food. While formulated for tropicals, the variety of flavors entice even picky freshwater angelfish. Overall, the coloring, sizing, and nutrition make these effective for freshwater angelfish at various life stages.

5.TetraMin Nutritionally Balanced Flake Food.

TetraMin flakes provide complete, balanced daily nutrition for tropical aquarium fish. The formula contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support overall health and vibrant coloration.

The flakes float briefly to allow both bottom and top feeding fish adequate access. Made with quality nutrient-dense ingredients, TetraMin promotes proper growth and development. The smaller sized flakes are suitable for small-mouthed species. With 50 years of fish nutrition research, TetraMin flakes are a reliably nutritious staple food for tropical community tanks.

This trusted brand offers an affordable price per ounce compared to other flake foods. TetraMin Tropical Flakes are a good value option to meet the dietary needs of a diverse tropical fish population.

6. Zoo Med Spirulina 20 Flake Fish Food.

Zoo Med Spirulina Flakes provide a nutritionally balanced diet for aquarium fish. These protein-rich flakes feature spirulina as a key ingredient, which is high in vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids for vibrant color. The flakes float briefly, allowing proper feeding time for all varieties of fish.

Made with quality ingredients and no artificial colors, Spirulina Flakes promote health and activity. Smaller flakes work well for small-mouthed species too. Great for single staple feeding or supplementing other foods. With added garlic, fish find these flakes palatable. Zoo Med Spirulina Flakes provide excellent affordable nutrition to keep community fish thriving.

7. Freeze Dried Blackworms Enhanced with Pacific Plankton.

This freeze dried blackworms food provides a nutritious, protein-rich diet for various tropical, freshwater, and marine fish. Enhanced with plankton and mysis shrimp, it delivers a balanced blend of nutrients to support health and vitality. The freeze drying process preserves nutrients better than air drying.

The worms retain texture and movement to trigger feeding responses. Fish eagerly consume these tasty treats that can be fed as a staple or supplement. Their small size makes them accessible for small species too. This high-quality, naturally sourced blackworms food helps bring out vibrant colors and enrich behaviors. It’s suitable for picky eaters and breeds prone to bloating. Overall an excellent choice for supplementing nutrition.

8. Omega One Freeze Dried Blood Worms.

Omega One Bloodworms make an excellent supplemental food to enhance nutrition for freshwater and marine fish. These freeze dried bloodworms retain their shape, texture, and nutritional value better than air dried varieties. Packed with protein, the worms help bring out vibrant colors and stimulate natural foraging behaviors. Their smaller size works for both large and small fish species.

As a treat or part of a varied diet, they provide vital nutrients missing from flake or pellet foods alone. The cube container keeps the worms fresh yet allows easy access to feed. While priced higher than other dried bloodworm brands, Omega One delivers premium quality with no artificial anything. Overall a nutritious complement to a staple fish diet.

9. Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Spirulina Brine Shrimp Cubes.

Hikari Spirulina Brine Shrimp provide a nutritious supplemental food for freshwater and marine fish. These cubes contain brine shrimp enhanced with spirulina for additional protein, vitamins, and minerals. The freeze drying process optimizes preservation of nutrients. The brine shrimp hold their shape to trigger feeding responses.

The cube allows convenient access and storage. Made with high quality bio-secure ingredients, Hikari Bio-Pure shrimps offer excellent nutritional value. They make a great treat, training reward, or addition to a staple diet. Overall an excellent way to boost nutrition and fish growth.

Pellet vs. Flake

Both pellet and flake foods have pros and cons:

– Pellets are denser in nutrients and easy to portion. But they can disintegrate if left in water.

– Flakes carry more moisture but aren’t as nutrient-dense. They shouldn’t be their sole diet. 

For variety, offer both pellets and flakes.

Cost & Availability 

Premium angelfish food deliver better nutrition but cost more. Consider getting a high-quality staple food, along with cheaper supplementary foods.

Check that foods are easily available from local or online sources before switching your angelfish diet. Abrupt changes can cause digestive issues.

Exploring Homemade & Live Foods

In addition to commercial foods, many angelfish keepers like to offer:

DIY or Homemade food for angelfish.

While commercial angelfish foods provide convenient and balanced nutrition, you may also consider preparing homemade food for your angelfish. Homemade angelfish food allows you to have full control over the ingredients and tailor the diet specifically to your fish’s needs. Here is a recipe for a nutritious homemade beef heart paste food:

Beef Heart Paste Food Recipe


  • Fresh beef heart
  • Vegetables (such as broccoli, carrots, spinach, peas)
  • Raw peeled shrimp
  • Unflavored gelatin


  • De-vein and remove the fat from the beef heart.
  • Pass the beef heart through a food processor or meat grinder until it reaches a fine consistency.
  • Blend the peeled shrimp and cook the vegetables until soft. Blend them separately until smooth.
  • Mix the beef heart with the vegetables and add the gelatin according to the instructions on the package.
  • Adjust the consistency by adding flake food if needed.
  • Pour the mixture into ice trays or fish bags and freeze.
  • Thaw the frozen food before feeding it to your angelfish.

This homemade beef heart paste food provides a high protein and nutrient-rich diet for your angelfish. It is important to offer a variety of foods to ensure a well-rounded and balanced diet.

Feeding Your Angelfish for Optimal Health

To help your angelfish thrive, follow these feeding best practices:

Feed Small Meals 2-3 Times Daily

Adult angelfish only need to eat once or twice a day. But they benefit from multiple smaller servings. This prevents bloating and waste.

Fry and juveniles should get tiny meals 3-5x daily because of their faster metabolism.  

Observe Eating Habits

Pay attention to make sure all fish are getting enough at feeding times. Adjust food amounts if fish lose interest before finishing.

Also, watch for aggression at feeding time. Separate bullies or underfed fish if needed.

Vary the Diet

Rotate between 2-3 high-quality prepared foods daily for variety. Supplement with frozen foods, live organisms, veggies, or DIY recipes. 

A diverse diet provides balanced nutrition.

Don’t Overfeed

Only feed an amount that the fish can completely finish in 2-3 minutes. Uneaten food fouls the water.

If food sinks before they eat it, try smaller, slower-sinking options.

Troubleshooting Angelfish Feeding Problems

While a good diet prevents most problems, here are some feeding challenges you may encounter:


Many beginners accidentally feed too much. Signs of overfeeding include:

– Leftover uneaten food

– Fish seem lethargic or bloated

– Excess algae or ammonia spikes 

Reduce portions and frequency until no food is left over.


If nutrition is poor, angelfish may show: 

– Loss of appetite

– Pale colors

– Failure to grow properly 

Improve your diet with more whole protein sources and vitamins.

Finicky Eating

Some angelfish pickily refuse foods. Try:

– Offering live or freeze-dried treats

– Soaking pellets before feeding

– Stimulating appetite with fast days

With patience, you can often transition fussy eaters to healthier diets.

If problems persist, it’s best to seek advice from your veterinarian. Let’s get some expert insight on feeding next.

Angelfish Care Guide.

Expert Tips on Feeding Angelfish

Vary Meals More Than Products

“Rotation is more important than variety. Varying the timing, frequency, and size of meals with the same 2-3 foods is more beneficial than constantly switching products.” – Petco Lead Aquarist

Soak Foods Before Feeding

“Soaking pellets, flakes, and freeze-dried foods in tank water briefly before feeding can improve palatability and reduce waste.” – Aquarium Co-Op founder Cory McElroy

Feed a Veggie-Based Diet One Day a Week

“Offering blanched veggies like zucchini, peas, romaine, or spinach once a week helps round out nutritional gaps.” – Fish Store Associate Charlie Mizell

The Best Ways to Feed Your Angelfish for Health & Happiness

– Choose a couple of high-quality foods with sound ingredients

– Offer a variety of proteins, vitamins, healthy fats, and fiber

– Tailor diet to the life stage – fry vs. adult

– Feed multiple small meals instead of one large serving

– Mix up commercial diets with live, homemade, and fresh options

– Monitor angelfish eating behavior and adjust as needed

With the right foods and techniques, you can keep your angelfish active, growing, and dazzling for years to come! Use this guide as a starting point and tweak over time as you gain experience. 

Angelfish Feeding Guide.


In closing, proper nutrition is key to having healthy, thriving angelfish. While it may seem complicated at first, you’ll soon get the hang of crafting the perfect diet. Be sure to offer a variety of high-quality prepared and supplemental foods. Tailor meals to your fish’s life stage, and feed multiple small servings per day. Observe eating behaviors to fine-tune diet over time. With patience and commitment to their dietary needs, your angelfish will display dazzling colors and vigor. We hope this guide gave you a helpful starting point on the best way to feed your fish. Let us know if you have any other nutrition tips in the comments!

Thanks for reading and happy fishkeeping! Please share any other angelfish food recommendations in the comments.

Sambit K

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