Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish: A Comprehensive Care Guide.

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bulgarian seal point angelfish

The Bulgarian seal point angelfish is an exceptionally beautiful freshwater fish gaining popularity in the aquarium trade. This guide will cover everything you need to know about keeping these elegant fish including size, tank mates, rarity, care requirements and more. Read on to learn how to help Bulgarian seal points thrive.

Are Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Rare?

Bulgarian seal point angelfish are one of the rarer color varieties of angelfish. They were first developed in Eastern Europe, most likely in Bulgaria, hence their name.

Selective breeding programs remain limited, making them harder to find than common angelfish types like silvers or blacks. Availability is restricted based on breeding success.

Their unique color pattern also commands high prices. Show quality or rare seal point specimens with vivid red eyes can cost even more from specialty breeders.

So while captive bred Bulgarian seal points are available in the trade, their limited numbers and pricing does make them one of the rarer and more exclusive angelfish types.

Also Read: Are Albino Angelfish Rare?

How Big Do Bulgarian Angelfish Get?

Bulgarian seal point angelfish reach a maximum size of 6 inches as adults when provided with spacious aquariums, optimal diet and care.

Males are typically a bit smaller at around 5-6 inches, while females can grow over 6 inches including their flowing fins. Their body shape is elongated compared to other angelfish varieties.

Proper growth requires housing Bulgarian seal points in at least a 50 gallon tank, but 75 gallons or larger is better. Stunting can occur in smaller cramped environments. Give them room to swim and thrive.

Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Tank Mates

Are Bulgarian seal point angelfish rare?

Here are some suitable tank mates for Bulgarian seal point angelfish:

  • Tetras like Cardinals, Rummynose, Neons (larger species may be nibbled)
  • Mollies, Swordtails, Platies
  • Plecos, Corydoras, Larger Tetras
  • Gouramis, Dwarf Cichlids
  • Shrimp, Snails (non-grow eating varieties)
  • Other Angelfish (space permitting)

Avoid fin nippers like Tiger Barbs along with very small, shy species that may get bullied. Introduce any new additions slowly and provide ample hiding spots.

For breeding pairs, house Bulgarian seal points alone. They become aggressive when spawning and protecting eggs. Fry should be removed to raise separately as well.

Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Size

As juveniles, Bulgarian seal points are typically 1-2 inches long when purchased. Given proper space and nutrients, they will reach full adult size within their first 12 months.

Females tend to max out slightly larger at 6-7 inches compared to 5-6 inches for males. Measurements include the elegant trailing fins that give angelfish their iconic appearance.

To promote proper growth, house young Bulgarian seal points in at least a 30 gallon tank at first. Upgrade them to 50+ gallons before adulthood to accommodate their full size. Proper diet and clean water is also crucial.

Read More: How Big Does Angelfish Get?

Distinguishing Point Angelfish Male or Female?

It can be challenging distinguishing male vs female Bulgarian seal point angelfish, especially when young. Here are some tips:

  • Females are often a bit larger in adulthood with a more rounded belly when breeding.
  • Males stay smaller and are sometimes slimmer in body shape.
  • Look for tube-like breeding tubes on the ventral fins of males when mature.
  • Females may display dark blotchy breeding bars vertically along the body.
  • Males have pointed, more angular ventral fins compared to females.
  • Female dorsal, anal and pelvic fins may be larger and more flowing.

Personality and behavior are not very reliable indicators. Vent tubes and breeding bars are the clearest signs, but even then it can be difficult to confirm gender outside of a proven breeding pair.

Caring for Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish

How big do Bulgarian angelfish get?

Caring for these angelfish properly is crucial to bring out their full potential. Here are some care guidelines:

  • Tank Size – Minimum 50 gallons, 75 gallons optimal
  • Water Temperature – 78-82°F
  • pH – Slightly acidic, 6.5-7.2
  • Hardness – Soft to moderately hard, 5-12 dGH
  • Filtration – Strong external canister filter
  • Substrate – Fine sand or smooth gravel

Provide plenty of aquarium rocks, driftwood and plants to replicate their natural habitat. Dim lighting brings out their metallic sheen.

Feed a varied diet of flakes, pellets, frozen and live foods. Frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and mysis help bring out rich colors.

Perform 25% partial water changes weekly and test water parameters frequently, especially pH. Use water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramines.

Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish Diet

A quality angelfish pellet should form the dietary staple. Supplement with:

  • Live foods: bloodworms, brine shrimp, blackworms
  • Frozen treats: mysis shrimp, daphnia, spirulina cubes
  • Blanched veggies: zucchini slices, peas, spinach leaves
  • Quality flake foods, herbivore pellets/wafers
  • Occasional freeze dried krill or tubifex worms as a treat

Feed 2-3 small meals daily, providing only what they can consume within 2-3 minutes. Vary the diet for complete nutrition.

Breeding Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish

Breeding Bulgarian seal points requires patience but brings rewarding results. Use a proven compatible pair that is actively courting. Key tips:

  • Condition with live foods and perfect water conditions before spawning
  • Use a 20-30 gallon tank with smooth vertical surfaces to lay eggs
  • Maintain soft, acidic, tannin-stained water with temps of 82-84°F
  • Remove the parents after spawning or eggs will likely be eaten
  • Hatch eggs separately in a small nursery tank
  • Raise fry on baby brine shrimp, microworms, infusoria then finely crushed flakes
  • Grow out juveniles for 6-8 weeks before mixing with adults

Meticulous fry care is required to achieve a good yield. But successive generations can intensify the seals’ unique dark fin edges and masked facial pattern over red eyes.

Also Read: Is My Angelfish Pregnant?


With striking masked faces, graceful fins and metallic sheen, Bulgarian seal point angelfish stand out in any freshwater aquarium. While not the easiest fish for beginners, these angels are worth the extra effort to keep them healthy and looking their best. Provide pristine water, a spacious planted tank and high quality foods, and they will reward you with their elegant beauty. Let us know if you have any other questions about keeping Bulgarian seal points!

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