
Exploring The Beauty: A Guide To Black Veil Angelfish And Varieties.

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The world of angelfish includes stunning varieties like the black veil angelfish. With their elegant fins flowing like black lace or velvet curtains, these fish add drama to any freshwater aquarium. This beginner’s guide will explore the different types of black veil angelfish and how to care for these beauties.

Introduction to Black Veil Angelfish.

The black veil angelfish gets its name from the striking black edges on its fins and tail. As you’ll see, veil refers to the long, flowing shape of the fins which drape downwards. There are a few different black veil varieties, each with their own patterns and extent of black coloration.

Overall, these fish have oval-shaped, compressed bodies like other angelfish. Their heads are rounded, and the mouth is small. The eyes are dark. The real showstoppers are the long dorsal and anal fins which can grow to 6 inches. The tail fins also spread out widely like a veil.

While juveniles start out with silvery bands on a dark body, as they mature the body darkens and the fins become blacker. Let’s explore the veil types further:

Characteristics and Appearance of Black Veil Angelfish.

With their bold black veiled fins and flowing shapes, black veil angelfish make a dramatic statement. We’ll cover the different veil types and patterns that set each variety apart.

Varieties of Black Veil Angelfish.

There are a few different black veil varieties, each with their own ornate finnage.

Black Veiled Angelfish:

The black veiled angelfish has the most basic veil type. The body is a dark black or blackish-gray. The edges of the fins are rimmed in black like a photo frame. Just a thin black border outlines the fins.

Characteristics and Appearance:

  • Dark body and black trim on fins

Care Tips and Tank Requirements:

  • 29+ gallon tank
  • 76-82°F temperature
  • pH 6.5-7.0
  • Planted decor with driftwood
  • Omnivore diet with partial weekly water changes

Double Black Veil Angelfish:

As the name suggests, the double black veil angelfish has twice as much black on the fins. The dorsal and anal fins have a thicker black edge, creating a bolder veiled look.

Characteristics and Appearance:

  • More extensive black on fins
  • Dense “doubled” veil appearance

Care Tips and Tank Requirements:

  • 29+ gallon tank
  • 76-82°F temperature
  • pH 6.5-7.0
  • Planted decor with driftwood
  • Omnivore diet with partial weekly water changes

Black Lace Veil Angelfish:

This variety has an intricate black lace pattern across the fins instead of a solid edge. The delicate tracing resembles floral lace fabric.

Characteristics and Appearance:

  • Beautiful black lace patterning on fins

Care Tips and Tank Requirements:

  • 29+ gallon tank
  • 76-82°F temperature
  • pH 6.5-7.0
  • Planted decor with driftwood
  • Omnivore diet with partial weekly water changes

Caring For Your Black Veil Angelfish.

While exotic looking, black veil angelfish are fairly hardy if given good water conditions and diet. Here is a quick rundown of their care needs:

Tank Size

Aim for at least a 29 gallon tank for a small group of juveniles. Bigger is always better. A 55 gallon or larger tank allows them to spread their fins. Remember they can reach 6 inches in length.

Water Parameters

Angelfish require soft, acidic water between 6.5-7.0 pH. The temperature should be 76-82°F. Perform partial water changes of 25-30% weekly to replenish minerals and reduce nitrates.


Angelfish like a well planted tank with driftwood, rock caves and low lighting. Provide broad leaf plants and floating plants for them to hide under. Keep the tank decor smooth with no sharp edges that could tear flowing fins.

Tank Mates

Keep tank mates peaceful and similar in size. Small tetra species, Corydoras catfish, dwarf gourami, and bristlenose plecos make good companions. Avoid fin nippers like barbs and large cichlids that could bully angelfish.


Feed a high quality angelfish pellet and supplement with frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms and daphnia. Offer a vegetable diet too with blanched spinach, zucchini or cucumber. They are omnivores and need both plant and animal proteins.

Caring for black veil angelfish isn’t too tricky if you meet their needs. Now let’s go over breeding these spectacular fish.

Read more about angelfish food.

Breeding Black Veil Angelfish

Experienced aquarists can try breeding black veil angelfish themselves. Here is an overview of the process:

  • Condition the breeding pair with high quality foods and optimal water changes for a few weeks before breeding.
  • The male will develop a nuchal hump on his forehead when ready.
  • Introduce a conditioned pair to a breeding tank. Provide vertical surfaces like leaves or a clay pot for them to lay eggs on.
  • The parents will clean the surface vigorously before spawning in an embrace. Hundreds of eggs adhere in a batch.
  • Remove the parents after spawning or they may eat the eggs.
  • The eggs will hatch in 2-3 days. Feed the tiny fry infusoria and finely crushed foods.
  • Young fish reach maturity and get their veils in 8-12 months. Select the best ones with nicely developed finnage for breeding.

Raising the delicate fry takes skill but it’s rewarding to breed your own beautiful angelfish!

Finding Your Black Veil Angel

You’re probably eager to add one of these dramatic beauties to your own aquarium. Here are some tips on finding black veil angelfish for sale:

  • Check with specialty aquarium stores that carry tropical fish. Many will order angelfish varieties upon request.
  • Search for reputable angelfish breeders online that ship fish directly to buyers. Look at reviews and health guarantees.
  • Join angelfish enthusiast groups online where members often sell juveline or adult fish.
  • Attend a fish auction or society meeting in your area to find angelfish varieties.
  • Be patient and selective in choosing healthy angelfish with perfect fin development. Well cared for juveniles transition best to a new home.
  • Plan ahead, as finding rare color morphs like these may take time and waiting lists from breeders.

Common Health Issues in Black Veil Angelfish and How to Prevent Them

With proper care, black veil angelfish live long healthy lives. Avoid these common illnesses:

  • Fin rot – Caused by poor water quality. Prevent with clean water.
  • Intestinal infections – Caused by poor diet. Feed a varied, high quality diet.
  • Parasites – Add quarantined fish only. Use medications if needed.
  • Injuries – Keep tank decor smooth, avoid aggressive tank mates.
  • More about common angelfish disease.

Compatibility with Other Fish

Black veil angelfish do well with smaller peaceful community fish like:

Avoid fin nippers and very large aggressive fish that could harm them.

Lifespan of Black Veil Angelfish

With proper care, black veil angelfish can live for over 10 years in the aquarium. Their average lifespan is around 8-10 years. Proper water quality, varied diet, habitat, and avoiding diseases are the keys to a long healthy life. Captive bred angelfish generally live longer than wild caught fish.

The long life expectancy allows you to enjoy the graceful beauty of black veil angelfish for years to come. They will transform from elegant little juveniles into impressively finned adults over time in your tank.

Tips for Keeping Black Veil Angelfish

Here are some top care tips:

  • Give them a planted tank with lots of hiding spots
  • Perform regular partial water changes
  • Keep water parameters stable
  • Feed a mix of flakes, pellets and frozen/live foods
  • Add new tank mates slowly and quarantine first
  • Select healthy active juveniles when buying


Few freshwater fish can rival the striking appearance of black veil angelfish varieties. Their bold black veiled fins make a statement in planted aquariums. Now that you know about the different types like single veil, double veil, and black lace veil, you can find the perfect one for your tank. Taking good care of water, diet and habitat will ensure your angelfish thrives for years. Enjoy this unique fish!


What size tank do black veil angelfish need?

Minimum 29 gallon tank is recommended, but larger is always better. They can reach 6 inches in length.

How often should I feed black veil angelfish?

Feed them twice per day in smaller amounts they can finish within 2-3 minutes. Offer a variety of flakes, pellets, frozen and live foods.

Why are my angelfish fighting?

Aggression between angelfish sometimes happens, especially during spawning. Make sure the tank is not overcrowded. Add more plants and breaks in sight lines. Remove persistently aggressive fish if needed.

How do I breed black veil angelfish?

Condition a proven breeding pair, introduce them to a separate tank with vertical spawning surfaces. They will clean and lay hundreds of eggs. Remove parents after spawning and raise the sensitive fry carefully.

What water parameters are best for black veil angelfish?

They thrive in slightly acidic, soft water between 76-82°F and a pH of 6.5-7.0. Perform regular partial water changes and filter the water.

What makes black veil angelfish unique?

Black veil angelfish are distinguished by their stunning black veils, which add a touch of elegance to their appearance. This feature sets them apart from other angelfish varieties, making them a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

Are black veil angelfish suitable for beginners?

While they require some care considerations, black veil angelfish can be suitable for beginners with proper research and commitment to providing the necessary care conditions. Starting with a single angelfish can be a good introduction.

How long do black veil angelfish typically live?

With proper care, black veil angelfish can live for 8 to 10 years in captivity. A well-maintained tank, balanced diet, and regular health checks contribute to their longevity.

Can I keep different varieties of angelfish together?

It’s generally advisable to avoid keeping different angelfish varieties together to prevent hybridization. Stick to a single variety or species to maintain the purity of each type.

Can I keep black veil angelfish with other fish?

Yes, but choose tank mates carefully. Opt for peaceful species that won’t nip at the angelfish’s flowing fins. Avoid aggressive or territorial fish to create a harmonious community.

Sambit K

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