
The Ultimate Guide to Black Lace Angelfish. Care, Size, and Compatibility.

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With their elegant black lace patterning and gracefully flowing fins, black lace angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) make a sophisticated addition to aquariums. This stunning freshwater fish brings visual interest and living art to tanks. Caring for black lace angelfish is fairly straightforward, making them an excellent choice even for beginner hobbyists. This in-depth guide provides everything you need to know about keeping healthy, thriving black lace angelfish.


Black lace angelfish features the iconic angelfish body shape with bold black lace-like markings on their fins and gill covers. Their shades range from black to silver, with some fish showing tiger striping. The striking dark patterning contrasts beautifully against the lighter background coloration. Black lace angelfish were selectively bred for their unique color pattern.

In the wild, angelfish inhabit South American waters including the Amazon River basin.They do not occur naturally despite their delicate appearance. They require the same general care as other angelfish types and are not considered a separate species.

The graceful movements and flowing fins of black lace angelfish add sophistication and visual drama to community aquariums. Their elegance stands out against live plants and brightly colored tankmates. They occupy the mid to upper levels of the tank, serving as showpiece focal points.

Black Lace Angelfish Care Guide.

While their graceful appearance gives them a delicate look, black lace angelfish are actually quite hardy once acclimated. They are tolerant of a variety of water conditions which makes them suitable for beginners. Here’s an overview of their care requirements to help your black lace angelfish thrive:

Accommodating Behavioral Traits.

While talking about Black lace angelfish care, It’s important to understand the natural behaviors of black lace angelfish when keeping them in an aquarium environment. Here are some of their notable characteristics:

  • Peaceful Nature: Black lace angelfish are generally peaceful community fish, though they may become territorial towards one another once mature. Their aggression levels are mild compared to most cichlids.
  • Graceful Appearance: Adults develop extensive flowing fins and beautiful filigree patterns on their fins as they mature. Their movements are elegant with adept maneuvering skills.
  • Even Temperament: They rarely disturb tankmates and mostly mind their own business. Males may flare gills to intimidate other males. Overall compatibility is high when provided with adequate space.

Choosing the Best Tank Conditions.

These angelfish requires pristine water conditions and ample swimming room to stay healthy. Use these tank guidelines:

  • Tank Size: Minimum of 30 gallons. Larger is better. Allow at least 20 gallons per angelfish. This reduces aggression and accommodates their size.
  • Water Parameters: The ideal temperature range is 76-84°F. Keep pH between 6.5-7.5 and hardness within 8-12 dGH. Good filtration is crucial.
  • Filtration: Strong mechanical and biological filtration helps process waste. Angelfish appreciate gentle water currents over harsh flow.
  • Plants & Decor: Live plants benefit water quality and provide security. Driftwood, rock caves, and leaf hammocks give ample hiding spots to reduce stress.

Feeding Angelfish for Optimal Health.

As omnivores, black lace angelfish enjoy a varied diet including meaty and plant-based foods. Follow these feeding best practices:

  • Flake/Pellet Foods: Use a quality angelfish flake or pellet as the dietary staple. Look for 36-42% minimum protein content.
  • Supplemental Foods: Complement with freeze-dried, frozen, or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc.
  • Feeding Frequency: Juveniles can be fed 2-3 times daily. Adults do well with 1-2 times per day. Only feed an amount they can consume within 2-3 minutes before stopping.
  • Avoid Overfeeding: Overfeeding leads to obesity, bloating, and water quality issues. Fast 1 day per week to allow digestion if overfeeding occurs.

Angelfish Feeding Guide.

Black Lace Angelfish Size: From Juveniles to Adults:

One of the most exciting aspects of keeping angelfish is observing their rapid growth from tiny juveniles to impressively sized adults. Here’s what to expect:

  • Juvenile Size: Young black lace angelfish start out quite small, around 1-1.5 inches in length. They undergo fast initial growth during the first 8-10 months.
  • Adult Size: By 12 months, growth slows down. Adults reach an impressive height of 6 inches tall. Their body length grows to about 4 inches.
  • Influencing Factors: Genetics play a key role in maximum size. Provide excellent nutrition and water quality for angelfish to reach their full growth potential.
  • Maturity Timeline: Sexual maturity occurs between 6-12 months generally. At this point, growth noticeably slows. Most reach near full size by 18-24 months old.

Black Lace Angelfish Compatibility With Tankmates.

The key to success in a community tank is choosing compatible tankmates for your black lace angelfish. Make wise stocking decisions:

  • Suitable Tankmates: Small tetras, rasboras, Corydoras catfish, dwarf cichlids, small gouramis, danios, and cherry barbs work well. Avoid fin nippers.
  • Unsuitable Tankmates: Large or aggressive fish that may prey on angelfish, including large cichlids. Bottom-dwellers that compete for food. Nippy species like tiger barbs.
  • Managing Aggression: Adult angelfish can be territorial with each other. Reduce this by adding juveniles together and providing ample tank space. Plants, rocks, and driftwood create line-of-sight breaks and hiding spots, which lowers stress and aggression. Avoid overcrowding.

Recognizing and Treating Common Diseases.

Stay alert for any signs of disease and treat promptly. Don’t delay. Common illnesses include:

  • Bacterial infections like fin & tail rot, mouth fungus, dropsy
  • Parasitic infections – ich, velvet, flukes, intestinal worms
  • Fungal infections
  • Gill flukes

Symptoms signaling sickness include clamped fins, ragged fins, labored breathing, bloating, loss of appetite, lethargy, white stringy feces, and visible spots or lesions on the body/fins.

Use aquarium salt, anti-parasitic, antibacterial, or antifungal medications as warranted. Quarantine new fish before adding them to the main tank. Test water parameters and perform partial water changes at the first sign of illness. Good nutrition and reducing stressors also support the immune system.

Concluding Thoughts on Keeping Black Lace Angelfish.

With proper care, stunning black lace angelfish can live up to 10 years in home aquariums. Their graceful flowing fins and mesmerizing black lace patterning make them magnetizing additions to community tanks. Follow the guidelines provided above regarding tank setup, water parameters, diet, compatibility, and disease prevention to help your black lace angelfish thrive long-term. Enjoy watching these elegant fish grow, interact, and display their natural behaviors. Breeding and raising black lace angelfish can be an extremely fulfilling experience for aquarists of all levels!

Frequently Asked Questions.

How often should I feed my black lace angelfish?

Feed them once or twice per day, providing only enough food that they can consume within 2-3 minutes. This allows time for proper digestion.

What is the average size of an adult black lace angelfish?

Adult black lace angelfish typically reach about 6 inches in height when fully grown. Their bodies grow to around 4 inches long. High water quality and a protein-rich diet help them reach maximum size.

Can black lace angelfish coexist with other angelfish varieties?

Yes, black lace angelfish are generally peaceful and can be combined with other angelfish varieties in a spacious tank. Introduce all fish at a young age.

Are there specific water parameters crucial for black lace angelfish health?

Maintain water temperature between 76-84°F, pH 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 8-12 dGH. Excellent filtration and regular water changes are also vital.

Sambit K

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